Chidori's Sanctuary
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Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz

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Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz Empty Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz

Post  Chidori Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:14 pm

He quickly rushed in a grabbed what he needed for his top secret mission. He then began to change into the darkly colored karate outfit "It might not be best to bring this along just in case it might set off some alarms" he said placing the guyver control metal down and picked up both the pistols and placed them to his side while he wrapped his belt around them and his waist for extra support.

"What the hell is that boy doing over there?...Oh The lights just went out it...looks like he's going to bed maybe..." Zachery's next door neighbor said as he closely watched the house across the street.

Moments later he had finished the small touchs of his suit which included putting on gloves and his new pair of shoes. "It would have been good to get me a rope or at least something to climb the building" he said to himself as he placed on his motorcycle helmet "...Oh yeah, I'm liking this already" he said to himself.

Minutes later, "Bam!...Didn't take long either...Now that I have the location off the map..time ta get going" Zachery said to himself before walking out of his house's front door. Quickly he turned his head each direction to see if anyone were watching "Lucky me" he said before he began running quickly while keepng his head down low and keeping to the bushes just in case any car drove by. "Now it'll only be a sec before I'll finally infiltrate cronos lab" he said to himself as he moved as quick as possible for 15 straight minutes before he finally reached his destination. "" he said trying his hardest to catch his breath as he bent over to place his hands on his knees as looked down to see the entrance to the sewer. "Guess this must be it huh" he said as he stooped down to quickly try and lift the top before he looked to see a bright light shining right into his eyes preventing him from seeing. "Just my luck.." he thought as he quickly lyied down flat in the street keeping his arms to his side and legs close together. In an instant the car seemed to be heading his way though everything wasn't as it seemed the car was slightly turning "Why must everything in japan be so hard..." he told himself as he quickly rolled a small bit before he lyied his head side ways and watch as the car placed over him "Did I almost just get killed...?" he asked himself as he quickly pull the lid off the sewer entrance and jumped in. "Hey man did you hear that?" Zachery heard the voice as it drew closer along with another voice which seemed to be following the other. Zachery quickly brought his left leg up till his knee was closest to him which seemed to be somewhat like when a pitcher in baseball brung his leg up to bring forth energy from his lower body to throw the ball or how a kickboxer would to form a stance which involved only one foot on the ground while his other was preparing to kick. As the footsteps grew closer Zachery became more and more prepared by thinking of what he'd do in the worst case scenario as if planning an entire chess game before the peices are even set. A minute later, Zachery caught a glimpse of his first opponent who wore a enormous rain coat and a white mask which covered only his nose and mouth. He had just turned the corner and was now looking down because of a sudden pain in his leg. "Ahh my leg it's hurting like hell.." the man yelled before stooping down to feel his wounded leg "Blood..but how?.......A knife?" he said to himself lowly as the man behind him came into sight "Are you alright why'd you just sto..." the man's voice was silenced by a quick kick which seemed to have hit the man upward. The man with the mask's eyes quickly wandered to see what had happened to his friend though before he could fully turn his head he had spotted a dark figure which seemed to have an oversized head "Could this be what the Guyver control metal really looks this is what it is capable of" he thought in a split second before Zachery brung his leg down and hit the man directly in his neck with the heel of his shoe.

Now sitting down in the lab's main computer chair "So they've already dismatched troops to catch this Yuroda huh...guess I should look up more about him...Just as I thought some interesting information has come up...Zoanoid huh?" he read as he continued to type in order to search for more interesting information. Quickly he inserted a small chip into the computer and after inserting it he clicked the download option which popped up imediately. Soon an alarm came on and Zachery quickly ducked his head and hid under the table. The shadow of a tall dark figure shined on the wall directly behind the table Zachery hid under. Within seconds the shadow itself seemed to have began growing bigger "Come any closer and I'll finish you off idiot... Zachery thought as he watched the shadow closely, quickly he looked threw the small openning of the table before going back to his postition. He gave a slight smirk at the thought of his opponent "Is he dumb or something he didn't bring any weapons nor does he even have back should be done copying all the information now" Zachery whispered to himself before crawling threw the small openning. He then snatched up his throwing knives and pitched threw of them at separate sections of the man's legs. Before jumping across the table to finish his opponnent he happened to catch a glimpse of the shadow of his opponent began to change, tentacles had began to sprout from the chest and back sections of it. "W-What's going on?" he thought as tentacles began to cover the human like body he had thought was his weak opponent. Seconds later the man had seemed to complete his horrific transformation "What's with that look...didn't you know what you were getting yourself into" monsterous alienlike entity said as it began taking step closer. In an instant the beast was beind Zachery with it's hand which seemed to consist of only three fingers outstretched. Zachery had been hit directly in the head and had flown three desks away from his previous location "I am monstrosity and today you are my meal" The being said as it continued to walk quickly towards it's victim. Zachery looked towards his belt and quickly drew his pistol and with the massive blow that Monstrosity had hit him with not only was his helmet's visor damaged but his left had also seemed to have suffered quite a blow since it had hit the floor before the rest of his body. Quickly he kicked the nearest desk toward his opponent as he hid under the desk which seemed to have been the farthest away at the time. "What am I doing crawling under the desks like this..." he thought to himself as he located the main lab's computer which he had inserted the chip into.
"Have you given up already?...You won't get out of here alive" the voice came from behind Zachery as he saw desks being launched into the air and then began landing nearby him. Quickly he jumped onto the desk and with the gun held in his right hand he began to blast away at the Monster although it seemed to have little effect on the creature such as hitting the beast in it's foot seemed to have the equal effect as a mosquito biting the $hit outta your foot. "Come on...the stuff I get myself into no one will ever understand..." he told himself as the beast had jsut acheived it's attacking distance. Bing! this sound gave a relaxing relief to Zachery heart as the chip popped out and was quickly snatched away by Zachery. Immediately the creature appeared in the face of Zachery "A Child?" it said puzzled as it lashed out with it's incredibly long hand and was quite surprised when Zachery rolled off the desk and out of the way leaving Monstrosity's arm directly in the wall. Zachery ran for his life as he ran to the exit of the underground facility.

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Join date : 2008-05-08
Age : 31
Location : From Darkness to Darkness

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Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz Empty Re: Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz

Post  Chidori Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:15 pm

Minutes later, Now back in his human disguise Monstrosity popped open the lid of the sewer entrance and peaked out though seeing no one he closed. Zachery was almost caught as he was in a nearby alleyway watching as the supposed man looked for him. "I'm getting some new weapons before I come back to this place" he told himself as he watched a few minutes before he would began his long journey home.
NJ Post:
NAME:(pic) Alexis Bernidict
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT:92 pounds
COUNTRY: Gremany
GUYVER: unit 3
BIO: Alexis was born in Germany where she lived 4 years. Nothing much happened well she lived there, but when her father told her that he had gotten a new job for a "major compay" she learned that life would not be so bland for ever. She moved to Japan, where see became popular for her smarts. Life was well for her and her father, but he started to get farther and father away from her till soon she was like a stranger to him. She would ask what was wrong but all he would do is say "It will benifit man kind" or "This will change how people live". Alexis, now 16, had gotten home after a long day to find some strange monster in the house, the weird thing was that it was wearing her fathers lab coat, she had no time to think so she tryed to run. After wat seemed like hours of running, she looked back at her house, only to see that the monster had....died, from what she didn't know, but then on she never saw her father agian for the monster was shipped off the next day to the corporation her father worked for. "This is Cronus's business" the strange man would say when ever she asked. After that day she contiuned to look for her father, know that the thing Cronus had created was linked to him, she joined a small group of people fighting against the monstrous corporation called Cronus. It was here that her smarts and abilitys became public to the whole of Japan, she was something of a celebrity now, how that happened see dosn't know. So she still looks for lead about Cronus well balancing out her school work and work for the secret electranic store, how will things on from here, well you'll have to read the RP ok.

"Wow it's pretty late already...guess I'll wait to contact dad" Zachery thought as he began to search for his first-aid kit. He scanned the room in a matter of minute and only a few seconds for him to apply the right treatment to each of his wounds which seemed to scattered across his body. He made no sounds of pain as he applied it because he had gotten hurt much more than any other teen and also unlike them he couldn't just call the ambulance or his father even it his injuries were critical. Since he couldn't rely on anyone else help such as 911 or the police he took care of most his problems himself only rarely did he have to contact his superiors. "Having a normal life must be pretty amazing with being able to do anything you possibly want, going to the movies..taking a girl out who you like, getting a real job which doesn't involve the risk of getting killed everyday and my personal favorite...being able to get into a relationship" he said to himself as he lay on his back on his couch looking at the ceiling with his shirt off.

"Maybe I should write a book and maybe put a bit of my life in it and....maybe just maybe will I add in the part about mom moving away after finding out what exactly dad was doing when I was 4...yeah i'm sure that'll be a real's just too dang bad i'm not normal" he said to himself before raising himself up to a sitting postion and sitting across from him was nothing But the guyver control metal. His gaze was so intense it could burn a hole in someone's eye from staring so hard "That's everything but normal" he thought to himself before cutting on the tv "Tomorrow will be my first day off since I got here but i'm sure it won't be too relaxing something always goes wrong" he laughed by himself after remembering that tomorrow was sunday.

Posts : 70
Join date : 2008-05-08
Age : 31
Location : From Darkness to Darkness

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Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz Empty Re: Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz

Post  Chidori Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:16 pm

NJ Post:
"This just won't do, I need more info, I need more supplies, I NEED TO FIND ZACH!" Alexis was walking down the road near Zachery's house, she was still confused about what happened at the park. All she wanted to do was take a day off from all the weird stuff, but no, well she was reading her favorite book she saw the one thing she never wanted to see on a day off."What were Cronus troops doing, not only that but that strange man had something they wanted." The more she tought the more she was confused, something that dosn't happen much. "If anyone knows what's going on it's Zack, or maybe the boss, someone has to know right?" She said aloud, passing Zachery's house now, she then pulled the strange, organic, object out of her backpack. She stuided it, seeing that it had come from some creature. "Is this a piece of those Zoanoid things, I've never seen a creature with skin like a rock." She held the skin sample in the air, looking at the very rock like structure of it.

After looking at the sample for a few minutes she came back to reality. "I GET IT! This must some form of protection, and camoflouge...." ,she trailed off, "Or even some brain matter,ha ha, ya right" After pondering the strange rock,thing,skin sample, she made the left turn to Zachery's front yard, stoping to watch as to as young girls ran by her holding what looked like paper hearts. "Well isn't that nice to see." She said to herself, then she went to the front door of Zachery's house and well....begain to knock loudly. "HAY ZACH!", she yelled, "I have something you might find interesting!"
Zachery's attention quickly switched from the TV to the door "It can't be cronos cause i'm sure they don't know my name... that voice, it's a girl for sure...maybe a schoolgirl...that could explain how she'd know my name...but how does she know where I live unless she read threw the school records" he thought. Quickly he moved to obtain his guns, cause of course he had just went threw hell and back, plus he had not known any girl in his class who had this sort of voice which had sounded of the singing type. "Why is it that I think i've heard that voice before?" he thought "Who is it?" he said as he placed the gun to the door and the other to his side. Zachery wasn't the kind of person to mess around and only knew of few people who called him by Zach.
NJ Post:
"ZACH!", Alexis yelled, "What are you doing in there, I have some...." before she could finish she herd a screem from the direction that the young girls from earlyer went. Not thinking, Alexis droped her backpack and ran out of Zachery's yard, then turned left to see that the street was shatered and the lamps were pulled from the ground. "What...could have caused this?" Alexis then ran back to her backpack, looking throught it, she grabed a small knife and then ran back to the scene of dustruction. After shearching the area Alexis found a hole, a very small one at that, that had blood around it. "Whats happened to the kids?" She said to her self, noticing that the paper hearts that the girls had was covered with a strange purple substance, Alexis then goes to pick up the heart when the ground begins to shake, not small quakes, but huge ground breaking quakes. "What th..e, an earthquake!" ,Alexis said to herself, "No thi...s is to, I can't even say,but it's n...ot a real."

As the earthquake went on Zachery quickly opened the door seeing as it was the best chance to see who was at the door. Knowing their movements would also be slowed greatly as would his though he had been threw training which made this look like a child rollercoaster. Quickly he did a police roll across the lawn until he came back to the appropriate postion to aim both pistols. With one pistol aiming at the pink haired girl and the other at the bloody hole she stood nearby. Luckily this had happened at night and most people who lived in his neirborhood were heavy sleepers. Keeping both eyes open as he watched carefully not making a sound as he stayed as still as he possibly could.
NJ Post:
Alexis was throw to the ground when a huge creature broke through the the cement. "Wha... what is that thing?" ,Alexis asked herself, "Is this a Zoaniod?" Before Alexis could even get up the huge creature has grabed her by the leg useing some strange tounge like thing. "What's this thind doing, let go!" She tryed to cut the tounge with her knife, but it broke, it was then when she noticed that the creatures skin was like the sample she had.

"Hello!", Alexis yelled, "Zach, if your there could ya help a little....I think this thing is trying to eat me." Alexis grabs on to a near by stop sign, holding on for dear life. "LET GO!" She cryed agian, trying to think of a way to escape, but nothing sharp or blunt was around her area. "I knew that I should have gone home, but did I NO! I just got my self into a 'ife or death' problem now.", she said to herself, trying to grab back on to the stop sign only to miss by a inch. The creature begian to pull he closer agian, make a strange laughing noice.

Pulling back on the trigger of the pistols held in both hands "I'll aim for the tongue it's the most vulnerable" he said quietly to himself. One bullet hit the beast's tongue while the other smashed against the head of the beast. "Damn so they all have hard exoskeletons" Zachery said as he noticed each bullet made solid impact on the beast yet not effective. Zachery then quickly ran toward the girl who for some reason knew his name. "Because of their exoskeletons, it's almost impossible to kill them" he thought before grabbing hold of Alexis' arms that had seemed to be reaching for the sign. In time it seemed he was playing 'tug a war', alexis being the rope, with the zoanoid and apparently it was winning. With eah pull it made pulled not only Alexis but also Zach closer to the bloody hole. "Just as I thought, it might have a hard exoskeleton but it's insides aren't" he thought. "Open wide" he said placing the pistol on alexis leg as he held onto the stop sign with both his legs tied around it and his other arm holding onto Alexis as if he were giving her a hug. "Don't worry, I won't let you go" Zachery whispered to alexis as he pulled the trigger.

Posts : 70
Join date : 2008-05-08
Age : 31
Location : From Darkness to Darkness

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Memories of AM Aka Anime-Masterz Empty Memories of Anime-Masterz 2

Post  Chidori Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:46 pm

Sarenity: "Little one?..there both little to me..." she thought about his comment "We're having both sweet and sour chicken along with shrimp fried rice" she said happily as she began to look threw each cabnet for the dishes. It took little time till she began preparing the plates and placing them across the table. "I'll let dessert get alittle bit colder before I take it out" she thought before getting ready to sit down before noticing there was a person missing.
Chidori: "I'll have to get a little more practice before the day ends...Okay Again, Small Voltage!....Raimai Kaen!!!!" he shouted releasing the full nature of his chakra which made the red thunderbolts that jolted out his body spread like fire and burn and stun on contact. This techniques seemed to be infused with fire along with electricity "okay tomorrow we use Full voltage" he said as dark gray smoke was given off as he began to cool down this indeed reacted off body temperature which made it fatal to those without the fire nature of chakra to use cause it made the users body temperature sky rocket to repel taijutsu techniques. Minutes later, "Chidori!" the female voice called out but before he could turn around someone had hopped on his back as if he were giving her a piggy back ride.
"Come on, it's time to eat everyone waiting for you...why are you out here any way...Ouch!...You are so Hot!" she laughed as she jumped off him. He gave her a weird awkward stare after her remark though "I mean both literally!" she said "and the other way..." she thought at the same exact time to finish her sentence.
"Well...Shall we get back...*sniff...sniff* Did you cook?" Chidori asked sarenity as he and her walked back into the house. "Why? Does it get you stomach growling?" she asked as they both entered the house again threw the back door.
I'll edit it later, i can't think much at the moment

Posts : 70
Join date : 2008-05-08
Age : 31
Location : From Darkness to Darkness

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